We have had an army in this battle with us. This is no battleground to stand in alone. I have been overwhelmed by how many have surrounded and cared for us. We have had many many troops, all doing their part. Warriors all around of every kind. It has reminded me of the uniqueness of God's creation and how intentional he is in His artistry. Every single person in our lives has touched us in unique ways that only they can. It's been really beautiful to experience. We have been touched by profound love over the last two months. Our hearts will be forever grateful.
I have felt the need to publicly express thanks to everyone. We have been unable to return every call, respond to every text or email, write thank you cards to everyone, or give much of anything in return these days; and that feels so strange to Dave and I. To be on the receiving end is not the most comfortable place for us to be. There are no words that will ever capture how loved and cared for we have felt.
Let me just tell you about some of the things that have held us, given us strength, offered practical help ...... each one an amazing gift of grace and we thank you all so so much.
tears shed . prayers . hugs. laundry done . house cleaned . scriptures . books . beautiful words (written and spoken) . cards . remembrance jewelry, tree, ornament, figurines . gift cards to play and eat . ballet tickets . meals (for months) . truth spoken . a shoulder to cry on . doing "normal" things with me . time just sitting with me in my bed or on the couch. phone calls . emails . texts . cookie cake on Kate's 2 month birthday . pictures . caring for our girls . taking over car pool . dinners in people's homes . financial help . leadership help . stories shared about how Kate has impacted you . laughter . Kate's service (music, hospitality, venue, message, every detail) . flowers . Kate's service (your attendance) . yoga classes . addressing my christmas cards, putting up and taking down Christmas decor with me . physically walking with me into places that seem overwhelming . protection . grocery shopping and running errands . space . grace . counsel . play dates . gingerbread lattes . Christmas lights put on our home . special gifts for Jadyn and Maci . I am afraid I have forgotten some ... :)
Put all of these things together and what you have is monumental GRACE poured out upon you. From Dave and Shelley holding my hand at Kate's service (to keep me standing) to the prayer warrior in the back row fighting just as valiantly. From the handwritten letters left on my doorstep to the tears in people's eyes as they handed us special gifts. From the journal full of scriptures that came in the mail to the rides you've given my kids. Your presence and your presents have been everything to us. From the front line to the rear guard and everyone in between ........ You matter. You have fought with us and for us. I envision the heavens just opening up because of your prayers and love. Such a beautiful picture it is ... the veil torn. Rejoicing. Halleluiah. Your Love. Wow. This IS the church.
So thank you ..... for every ounce of love you have given us in this season. We are incredibly thankful for who God has made each of you to be, and that we get to receive the blessing of knowing you and being loved by you.
Love you..Amy