On Wednesday, I took a little window of time to go to the Kauffman gardens. This has been such a special place to me. A place where I began a journey of claiming my identity as God's child. He has spoken tender things to me in this place through the beauty of the gardens, statues, and fountains. It has been a holy place, really. I was hoping to go and "catch my breath" a bit. To be still ...... and be reminded that He is God. I arrived expectant to hear His voice. Not expecting to hear anything in particular, just expectant to meet with my Maker.
I took a little walking tour through the front gardens. As I have been working on Kate's garden, I am beginning to learn the names of more plants and flowers. This time it was fun to walk through naming plants and flowers in my mind. She has opened my eyes to a new world in this way and given me new knowledge. I definitely do not have a green thumb yet but I am enjoying this process for sure. Some of the flowers I picked out for her garden were among the first I saw upon arrival. A sweet reassurance to me. God. It's the little things sometimes.
I moved on to the back garden; the one with the statues of dancers that has been so sacred to me. I sat on a bench which I have never sat on before, and gained a new view, a new perspective. The perfect perspective on this day. The landscape of beauty before me ..... the beauty's blessing fell fresh on me. It felt like perfection for a moment. The blue sky. Sun shining brightly through the trees, it's warmth on my skin and a pocket of shade to scoot into when I needed. Vibrant flowers before my eyes and the constancy of the splashing fountain. The freedom of the dancers in front of me. It doesn't take long for my mind to wander to "I wish my girl was here", but the thought barely formed before I began to experience what God wanted me to know that day. He gave me a gift .... but a glimpse of my girl's home, her heaven, her perfection. It doesn't take long for the tears to fall in these moments. Before I knew it the warmth of the sun couldn't touch the warmth in my heart. The tears felt so pure. Pure rejoicing. Pure joy. I don't really know how to reconcile that or if it even makes sense when I miss her so much, but it felt true for that moment. God's healing tears. I imagined the moment she was received into this glory .......that Jesus just held her tightly in his arms and let her take in all that was before her. I imagined what she saw and what she heard ..... a choir of angels rejoicing over her arrival. The feeling of being safe in his arms. The warmth of it all.
"He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. Revelation 21:4 |
I continued to sit. I continued to wait. I would know when to go. God continued to speak to me about some different situations in my life. Questions that are nagging in my spirit. I didn't necessarily receive answers, but I received the comfort and consolation that His presence gives. Encouragement for the moment, for the day. My daily bread. But before I left there was a revelation that came fresh. Something I knew but needed a reminder of. I moved to sit along the ground and set my eyes upon my favorite statue there. God whispered to me ..... "the same rejoicing that happened in heaven upon Kate's arrival is over you now my love. It is there. It is constant. You must believe it." Does my believing cause the rejoicing? Is it some act of "you do this and I'll give that"? Absolutely not. That is not how God works. His gifts are there. My believing is just a condition of the receiving. My believing opens up the flood gates of heaven to me, where I am the recipient of His promises, His life, His precious gifts.
"The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save, He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing." Zepahniah 3:17 |
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