Our family has declared for ourselves a season of REST. I never knew how hard it would be ..... first to come to the conclusion that "this is what God has for us right now", and then to actually live into this radical word - rest.
We are just really bad at it. As individuals, as couples and families, as organizations, as communities .... our culture is always screaming, "GO ...... Be someone, Do Something! QUICK!" We hear those messages and believe they will deliver life.
We scramble and perform and produce at rapid rates. We are approved of and successful...... until we're not ....... and then who are we??? Who are we when we are worn out? weary? have failed? suffered loss? gone through a divorce? confused? lost purpose? Who are we when we have come to these places and we must lay down and REST?
Why is it so hard for us to believe that we are still worthy and good and loved when we are not producing? Not surrounded by friends? Not in the middle of it all? I am asking these questions because these are the things on my heart and mind if I am honest. I wonder how, if I am doing nothing can I still be something? Be someone? You see, I am finding that rest is THE deepest trust place. Take everything you've based your identity on and stop doing it. Who's left? Who are you and whose are you?
As I enter this season, I feel disoriented. And to be honest I don't like that at all. I prefer to feel like my little world is managed and controlled. My friend Shelley reminded me that this season is about reorientation. As I let the dust settle and begin to let the fears fade, I find myself excited about what God is going to reveal in the REST. What life he will bring as He reorients me to Himself as His child and then speaks to my deepest heart about my calling.
But for now we will REST. Our friend Tom said, "your regular rhythms and routines can't contain what God has for you"...... so we are stopping, even a lot of good things we are stopping. We will RETREAT. We will allow God to REORIENT us as we seek his face, receive his love, and trust deeply that he has us here, once again. Here. We. Go. To be with Jesus. I hear him saying "come to me" .... without the distractions. Even good things can be distracting us from the BEST thing. I know Jesus is the BEST thing and the way.
"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me - watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."
- Matthew 11:28 MSG
May He give your family comfort and peace as you rest.