Saturday, March 1, 2014

Kate's Stones

Remembering .....
A few years ago, we were having dinner with our dear friends, Heidi and Ryan.   I noticed a jar of stones on her kitchen counter.  I inquired about them, about the writing on them,  and she began to share with me what these stones were and what they meant to her.  She shared with me the biblical story in Joshua 3 and 4 about Joshua leading Israel across the Jordan River into the promised land.  About how the Lord told Joshua, after they successfully crossed, to build a memorial with 12 stones drawn from the river by 12 men (one from each tribe).   It served as a way to remember how God had led them across in what seemed like impossible circumstances.  God asked them to build this memorial so future generations would ask, "what do these stones mean?", and they would be able to share how the Lord had been with them, guided them, and saved them.  After dinner, Heidi took out her stones and was able to share, through the writing on them, the AMAZING testimony of her own life.  It was a way to REMEMBER and share what God had done in her family's life. 

I was moved by this and decided to begin a jar of my own.  I have a large vase in our bedroom.  It holds the stones that convey God's faithfulness to me in my years of following him.  On some, specific dates are written.  On others, just a word that defines a specific season in my life.  All of them are moments or seasons in time that I specifically see God's hand and movement in my life.  They serve as a reminder, and also a way to share about God's sovereignty and goodness. 

So..... I decided to start a small vase of KATE'S STONES.  A way to remember her.  A way to remember how God has been faithful in the midst of our missing her.  A way to remember the way He has used her life and our heartache to show his power and his redeeming ways.  My hope is that one day we will be able to look back at these and SEE with our own eyes and to FEEL in our hearts the way she has impacted us and those around us in POWERFUL ways.  Again, a reminder that her life mattered. 

I have heard many stories and seen for myself the ways God is using her short little life.  I have experienced my own transformation in trusting God and His promises in new ways.  Her stones are beginning to pile up.  

I would love to ask you ...... do you have a story or seen a way that Kate is being used to further the kingdom of God?   It can be so small or very big.  It can be a small shift in a heart or a new way of living.  It can be a relationship restored or a purging of old ways of existing.  It can be new hope, new freedom, new perspective.  Whatever it may be, will you share it with us?  Will you allow it to be a way that God can be exalted for years to come? 

We have a memory box full of Kate's special things .... we open up it up to REMEMBER her.  On it will sit a vase filled with her stones.  Will you help us to remember and honor our girl and our God?

Kate's memory box

You can leave a comment or send us an email........ we can't wait to hear from you so we may remember together through Kate's Stones.


  1. I ran across Kate’s beautiful program card a couple days ago. While I certainly felt sorrow, I was immediately overcome with love—huge, warm, living love. In a blink, she reminded me that this is not the end and that His love is her love is your love. The thought suddenly came that her love is so close to you that it's on the inside of your heart, doing her best to heal it little by little. Not sure if this helps or hurts, but I gave thanks to Kate for that special moment.

    1. Megan, I love this so much. "his love is her love is your love"....... beautiful.
