Tuesday, December 17, 2013

One month - a letter to my girl

My sweet Kate,

One month..... oh, this month .....  The days are long with heartache and longing; yet way too short at the same time.  Every day is one more day away from the moment I met you and it makes me ache. My arms empty and my heart broken.   We shared 9 months of being together in the most intimate way.   Your life in mine, growing into the perfection that we saw when we met you.   You came to us in an unexpected, lifeless way but you were still born.   I longed to hear your cry and for you to take a breath of the air I breathe ... to share the simple things with you, the gifts of life.  But that wasn’t your story. It was a cruel reality to face when you arrived in this world - the silence stung so badly. This is not the way it was supposed to be.  

God had a different plan for your days than the ones I dreamed of and imagined.  I trust in a new and unfathomable way right now that God’s ways and His thoughts are higher than mine.  It is hard to imagine how this is true when all I want to do is hold you, rock you, feed you, sing to you, change your diapers, kiss you, snuggle you and LOVE you here on this earth.   That seems pretty good and right to me.   Our God has vision, though, that I cannot see, so I surrendered you back into the arms of the one who loves you more than I; the one to whom you have always belonged.   It was the most horrific day of my life, but somehow holy.  It was the saddest day of my life but somehow sacred.  Your little newborn body, so precious to me, had to be let go.   You belong to HIM, you always did; and I am thankful for the moments he gave me to hold you and kiss you and tell you how much I love you.  You came …. and  love and prayers by family and friends surrounded you.  God moved in all of us that day in a way that will leave us changed forever.  Your life mattered Kate.  Too short, yes, but it will always matter.  Our hearts break but they are not destroyed.  As God holds you in his arms, He holds the hearts of those who love you most ….. especially mommy, daddy and your big sisters.   Your sisters awaited your arrival with great anticipation and excitement and joy.  They were ecstatic to be with you and care for you and play with you.   Though disappointed that those are not their realities,  your sweet big sisters are saying, “ we are jealous that she gets to meet Jesus first”.    We are thankful that you will never know the suffering of the things here and that you only know the kingdom of heaven.  All of your days ordained for glory.   Our time here, not enough, but the hope of our reunion brings me comfort and a reason to abide with Jesus in the waiting.  Oh, the waiting.  Father, enlarge my heart in the waiting and take care of my girl.  

I miss you like crazy, and at this point I cannot imagine it getting any easier.  This new lens I see through is not one I ever wanted, but I am trusting that the lens will change from dark and cloudy to beautiful and filled with light again.  Jesus has won this battle with death.  Your life, Kate, is ushering in the kingdom of God in so many beautiful ways already.  I cannot wait to see how God continues to work all things for His good and eternal purposes.

I am so proud to be your mommy.  Not one day will pass when I don't think of you.  Always near, always near my sweet girl.  We await the day when we see you again and see your smiling face.   I will always be the mother of 3 precious daughters.
                                                                          I love you to the moon and back,


  1. I wish I had something poetic and brilliant to say but I don’t. Kate was a monumental loss. Your words are beautiful, deep and we will always remember Her. I love You, Dave, our sweet Jadyn, Maci bug and precious Kate. xo Always & Forever

  2. Agonizingly beautiful. Love, love, will always win when in faith. Love you my friend!

  3. Beautiful, Kristi. Beautiful. Your heart always is. I love it when you share it and we get to see it. Thank you for your transparency and sharing your words. Love you, my dear heart friend.

  4. Beautifully written words about a beautiful little soul. Thinking about and praying for you guys a lot. Denise

  5. You have put words to the soul here. This is a blessing. My heart knows the holy here. Kate Ryan is holy and dearly loved in the way only her mommy can. Thank you for letting us share the journey of your longing heart and stretched faith here. It has the rays of glory in these words.

  6. This is absolutely stunning. I am in awe of the Grace and Holiness in these words...that are spoken from your precious heart. It is an honor to walk with you in such a brave and authentic way. You are a mighty Warrior, my dear friend. Much love and so many blessings of comfort and peace to you and your family. xoxoxoxoxo, faith

  7. I love how you articulate your heart for our Kate so incredibly well. She will always be a part of our family and a piece of how God shapes us forever.
    May we always believe in our hearts especially on the days we can't even speak that the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. Romans 8:26
    as well as "in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28
    We see Him at work already redeeming the tragic loss to our family and community as only God can do. Praise be to God!

  8. "Her absence is like the sky, spread over everything." - C.S. Lewis, A Grief Observed

  9. Hi Kristi, I think of your family so often. God's perfect love and peace hold your Kate. She is God's, yes, but she is always yours. Always yours. And you are always hers. And I know she loves you back so very much.
